Expanding perspectives through the innovative CPT&C educational pathway
The CPT&C offers a ground-breaking educational opportunity that allows eligible psychoanalytic candidates at PINC (the Psychoanalytic Institute of Northern California) to substitute one of three required training cases with a Community Project under supervision. The program operates on the principle that psychoanalysis can be practiced in different ways and settings beyond the traditional dyad in a consulting room.
Each CPT Project offers psychoanalytic candidates a training experience that integrates community work with psychoanalytic thinking. By working collaboratively with community practitioners, candidates develop an analytic attitude characterized by humility, tolerance of uncertainty, curiosity, the capacity for reflection, and a respect for difference. Work in the Community Project not only expands candidates’ understanding of psychoanalytic principles but promotes sensitivity to the impact of the larger sociopolitical, historical, and cultural elements on individuals and groups.

Our background
The Community Psychoanalysis Track and Consortium (CPT&C) was created in 2016 by a group of psychoanalytic clinicians from community mental health and institutionalized psychoanalysis. They convened to develop a training track (CPT) and an affiliated but independent network of community mental health and analyst members (Community Psychoanalysis Consortium).
Our Mission
The CPT&C challenges the traditional definition and scope of psychoanalysis. Both through the training program and its affiliation with the Consortium, it marks a sea change, broadening the reach of psychoanalysis prioritizing collaboration with practitioners outside of rigid institutional walls, and expanding the notion of what is deemed teachable at a psychoanalytic institute.
Our Vision
The CPT&C’s vision is to promote mutual learning between candidates and community practitioners, to forge collaborative bonds between psychoanalytic training institutes and community agencies, and to increase inclusion and equity in psychoanalysis.
Forging New Frontiers for Community Psychoanalysis
Our goals
- To continue to expand the utility of psychoanalytic thinking outside of institutionalized psychoanalysis and dyadic treatment modalities
- To develop a hub of creative engagement among diverse clinical practitioners, administrators, activists, artists, and interested others committed to strengthening community psychoanalysis as a recognized and innovative endeavor
- To describe and share “learning-from-experience” —both through formal theory and practical application— that may help others develop their local centers and networks of community psychoanalysis
- To continue to develop the CPT toward operationalizing community psychoanalysis as a new horizon of analytic education and practice
- To help other psychoanalytic communities develop and grow their own collaborative training programs.